Thursday, December 29, 2016

Camper Mornings

There are many great things about camping, but one of the greatest is Camper Mornings.

Of course, Camper Sandwiches are nice as well. They are just like regular sandwiches, but made in the camper, and therefore way better. Camper Movies are awfully fun. This is when you watch a movie, in the camper. I assure you, it's fantastic. Home baked Camper Cookies are nothing short of fabulous. These are like regular home baked cookies, but, well you get the idea.

Don't even get me started on Camper Dance Parties.

As you can see, our camper has all the comforts of home. And in fact, when we are in the camper, we are home, whether it be parked in the woods, by the lake, at the beach, or in the mountains.

And of all the things you can do in the camper, mornings are one of the best.
Camper Omelet in progress

They usually start with some reading, maybe catching up on the news, or a good book. There's almost always a bit of lying around in bed, invariably with the dogs jumping up to form a big cuddle pile. Once the tea kettle has whistled, there's hot cocoa to be made. Breakfast might be an omelet, or pancakes, or maybe just some oatmeal with fruit and walnuts.

A good start to a Camper Cuddle Pile.
It may sound a lot like any weekend morning, but I assure you it's different. For one, there's the intimacy of never being more than ten feet away from the ones you love. And on a Camper Morning, there is no lawn to mow after. No floors to be swept, furniture to dust, dishwashers to unload. There are no e-mails to reply to, or phone calls to return. There's only the morning to savor, then maybe a walk through the woods, a swim at the beach, a paddle at the lake.

And while I realize that camping's not for everyone, I hope you will find your own version of Camper Mornings, and schedule lots of them in the coming year.

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